Articles on London and pronunciation.[ssba]
What is ‘Estuary English’?
What is ‘Estuary English’? Spoken by a large and growing number of people in the South of England, Estuary is tipped to dominate general British pronunciation within 50 years. But what is it exactly? What [...]
London’s Fictional Characters
London’s Fictional Characters [ssba] London has inspired many fictional creations over the centuries, from private detectives and spies to subterranean experts in waste management. Here is our guide to these characters, how to pronounce them and [...]
How to Pronounce London’s Parks
How to Pronounce London's Parks [ssba] After a long winter, we finally have a chance to enjoy the sunshine in London and fortunately, there are plenty of green spaces to do so. Here's our guide [...]
A Pronunciation Guide to English Food
A Pronunciation Guide to English Food [ssba] England. Food. What? Believe it or not, there is a food revolution going on in the UK at the moment, and whilst you can find cuisine from all over [...]
The Mayors’ Accents
What do London's mayors sound like? [ssba] London has a new mayor - Sadiq Kahn, following on from Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone. A lot has been written of all three mens' backgrounds and values, but [...]
A London Accent
What's in a London accent? [ssba] London is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world. But what does a London accent sound like? Whether you call it 'Cockney', 'Estuary', 'Mockney' (if you’re faking it), or [...]
Cockney Rhyming Slang
Cockney Rhyming Slang Going out for a Ruby Murray this evening? Or perhaps you'll stay in with the trouble and strife because you've got no bees and honey? We're talking cockney rhyming slang of course, [...]
More Horrible London Place Names
More Horrible London Place Names [ssba] It seems that we are all united by a strange relationship with London’s place names - at Pronunciation Studio we have never received such a big [...]
Horrible London Place Names
10 Horrible London Place Names What is it about London place names that makes them so difficult to pronounce? So Big Ben /bɪg ben/ is pretty easy, and as long as you miss the first [...]