Pronunciation Courses
IPA Certified Teachers (10+ years’ experience)
The Sound of English (Ebook + Audio)
Mon-Fri (09:00-21:00) Sat (10:00-17:00)
Assessment Class
The best place to start if you are new to Pronunciation Studio. A one hour one to one class where you will try the sounds and intonation of English in different ways. Your teacher will complete a Pronunciation Plan detailing the areas you can improve with practise.
“Many new and sometimes unexpected rules to learn, a lot to practice – and you can actually see progress.” ★★★★★ ANDREY
49.99 (or free with any course) | PURCHASE CLASS
60 Minutes (121 class)
Individual Training
121 training is designed for the learner so that every lesson focuses on exactly the areas that most need work. Timetables are flexible, most learners take one or two lessons per week but more and less intensive options are available.
“My confidence has improved massively. I can be in any sort of conversation with anyone and just follow the conversations. I don’t get lost anymore thinking ‘did they say that?’ or have they said something else.” ★★★★★ SANDRA
4 -48 Hours
Online Group
The online group is a live course – 1 teacher with 2 to 4 learners, 8 x 1 hour classes. We cover the entire The Sound of English course – the 44 sounds of English, linking and IPA. It’s practical, fun, and new 8 week courses start every 1 to 2 weeks.
“My pronunciation has immensely been improved in the past few months. Schwas, assimilation and clusters have been noticeable. I even received very positive response and praise from my colleagues and students.” ★★★★★ MARYAM
8 Hours (1 class / week)
2-4 Learners